Hi! Welcome to our Encyclopedia of Multicade Systems.
Provided below is our information regarding the subject multicade system. It is intended for general information only.
A. We have lots of SNK NeoGeo MVS stuff for sale:
- 4-slot cabinets to restore and upgrade (like this cabinet),
- motherboards,
- marquees,
- cartridges,
- decals,
- ads,
- graphics, and
- manuals.
B. And, cool stuff like a new condition, heavy slick stock 1992 flyer, only $29.99.
Perfect to frame and hang in your gameroom next to your NeoGeo.
C. Here is some good news:
The multi game cartridge 161-in-1 is available.
It contains lots of Neo Geo and other great fighting games.
Just plug it into an MVS game board slot.
D. Collectible Original NeoGeo Boxed Kits:
Positive feedback from a happy eBay NeoGeo customer:
This guy knows how to ship! Great service and packaging! THANKS!
Member id: splurge
1. View Point, 1992, SN 089580 original matching box and cartridge, complete original set of decals and graphics. $149, includes shipping...SOLD
2. Fatal Fury 2, 1992, SN088176 original matching box and cartridge, complete original set of decals and graphics. $149, includes shipping...SOLD
3. Aero Fighters, 1994, SN 09478 original matching box and cartridge, complete original set of decals and graphics. $149, includes shipping...SOLD
E. NeoGeo Cartridges (no decals or box):
Many, but not all of my cartridges are listed below. And, it will be awhile before they are all listed. So, send me an email if you do not see what you are looking for.
Generally, these cartridges are reserved first for purchasers of my Neo Geo machines.
1. Puzzle Bobble, 1994. $79, plus shipping.
2. View Point, 1992. $59, plus shipping...SOLD
3. Art Of Fighting 2, 1993. $49, plus shipping.
4. Fatal Fury 2, 1992, (qty. 2). $59, plus shipping.
5. World Heros 2, 1993. $39, plus shipping.
6. Samurai Shodown 2, 1994. $39, plus shipping.
7. Sengoku, 1991. $69, plus shipping.
8. World Of Heros, 1992. $29, plus shipping.
9. Fatal Fury, 1991. $49, plus shipping.
10. Art Of Fighting, 1992. $39, plus shipping.
F. Check this page for:
SNK NeoGeo MVS Soft Dip Switch Procedure and Settings
G. Here are some useful NeoGeo links:
Send me an email for more info, or to place an order: [email protected]