Hi! We all love to save money. So, here are some special deals just for you.
First: Our 5% quantity discount.
When you buy a custom multicade or an arcade game machine, and one or more other multicades or arcade game machines at the same time, you will receive a 5% discount off the total purchase price.
For example, when you buy a custom multicade for, lets say, $1,000, and an arcade game machine for, lets say, $750; you will receive 5%, or $87.50, off the $1,750 purchase total.
Plus, once a customer, a 5% quantity discount will apply to any future machine purchase.
The 5% quantity discount applies to any regular priced and to sales priced machines.
Second: About a 30% shipping discount.
The cost to ship any 2 machines (multicades and/or arcade games), instead of only 1 machine, is usually only a little more expensive than shipping 1 machine.
Typically, you can ship the 2nd machine for about one-half the cost of the single machine. For example, if the shipping cost for 1 machine were $200, then the cost to ship 2 machines would be about $300, instead of $400.
This discount applies when two or more machines are shipped the same day to the same location.
Here is the customer's feedback, who purchased and shipped two machines:
"Steve, the games arrived yesterday. They are in perfect working order and also look very nice. Thank you." Al E., Los Angeles, CA
Third: Can't afford 2 games? Only want 1 game? But, still would like to save some money?
Here is the answer - get a friend or relative to buy a game with you. That way, you both can save some money. Because, you both could share the quantity discount and the shipping discount.
Fourth: Our Referral Rewards Program.
Refer a new customer. Earn cool stuff for you machine. Read all about it here.
Fifth: Our 15% merchandise discount.
Take a look at the parts, memorabilia, manuals, and other great gameroom merchandise and decorations I have listed at this site and located in our Showroom.
When you purchase a custom multicade or arcade game machine, you are entitled to a 15% discount off any of these merchandise items.
And, if the merchandise can be shipped or delivered with your machine purchase, you save the shipping or mailing charge for the merchandise.
Ready to save some money? Send me an email: [email protected]