Hi! The Ace Amusements USA Top 350 upright, the Ultra 2500 upright 2-player and 4-player editions, and the Ultra 2500 cocktail arcade video multi game machines all include an MP3 Jukebox (aka DW Jukebox).
The MP3 Jukebox sounds best when played over a powered stereo speaker system with sub-woofer.
A 50-watt powered stereo sound system with volume control pod and headphones jack is standard on all of our custom built machines.
(August, 2020 - We are in process of upgrading to an even better, more powerful sound system. Details to follow.)
All you will need is a USB flash drive memory stick loaded with your favorite tunes.
When you add the powered stereo speaker system upgrade option to your machine, or when the system is included standard, we will mount a handy USB port to the machine cabinet just inside the front access door.
You can easily install your own flash drive loaded with your own music into your arcade machine jukebox (see instructions below).
Or, we can furnish the flash drive loaded with 392 dance genre pop hits from the 1980's. We provide the music at no cost. You only pay for materials and time, $100.
Then, turn on your 1980's pop hits jukebox, and we absolutely guarantee no one can sit still at any of your parties.
1980's music... 1980's video games... A perfect retro match.
Here are instructions for loading and playing your music:
Loading your music to USB flash drive -
1. Windows operating system only (not Mac compatible). These instructions are general, your Windows version may differ slightly.
2. Use an 8G USB flash drive or larger.
3. Insert flash drive into your computer USB port.
4. Removable Disk window opens.
5. Left click on Make a new folder.
6. Name the Folder - Jukebox
7. Right click to open new Jukebox folder.
8. Find your music (must be in MP3 format).
9. Copy & paste your music to the Jukebox folder.
Playing MP3 Jukebox music -
1. When inserting or removing the music flash drive, machine power may be on or off, and the Ultra game system may be loaded or not, but the MP3 Jukebox cannot be open.
If MP3 Jukebox open, an error message will appear, and the MP3 Jukebox will have to be exited and re-loaded to continue its operation.
2. Plug flash drive into the machine's USB port located just inside the front access door. Alternatively, flash drive can be inserted into an open USB port on the game system motherboard.
3. If not already on, power on machine.
4. At the game Menu Screen, scroll to # MP3 Jukebox # (the second listing).
View of game Menu Screen with MP3 Jukebox white highlighted:
5. Press Player-1 start button to select the MP3 Jukebox. Titles will load momentarily.
View of the MP3 Jukebox Play Screen with loaded song titles:
6. Controls to select and play a song and other functions:
(See #12 below for identifying the buttons.)
- Use Player-1 control buttons A, B, C, and D for selecting - A B C D.
- Use Player-2 control buttons A, B, C, and D for selecting - 1 2 3 4.
- Use Player-1 control buttons E and F to bump screen left or right.
- Use Player-2 control buttons E and F to bump screen to first page of titles and to last page of titles.
- Use Player-1 joystick left to change from Attract Mode screen to Play Screen.
- Use Player-2 joystick left to Cancel play of a song.
- Use Player-2 joystick right to change from Attract Mode screen to Play Screen.
- Use Player-1 start button to start play of a randomly selected song.
7. How to build a Play List:
- Enter song's alpha-numeric ID.
- There is no limit to number of song selections.
- Songs will be played in order of selection.
- Next four songs in the Play List queue are displayed in the top right section of the Play Screen.
8. View of the MP3 Jukebox Play Screen with loaded song titles (bottom area of page), the song-in-play (top left section), and the Play List (top right section):
The song-in-play section (top left section) shows:
- Song title.
- Artist.
- Elapsed time and run time of song.
- Play List number of entries and their cumulative run time.
The Play List (top right section) only displays next four of titles selected.
9. Use Player-2 joystick:
- Left to Cancel a song-in-play.
- Right to display the Play Screen.
10. Press and hold Player-1 start button 3 to 4 seconds to exit the MP3 Jukebox and return to the game machine's Menu Screen.
11. The flash drive may remain in the USB port continuously through machine power on and off cycles.
12. MP3 Jukebox cannot operate simultaneous with play of a game.
13. Button assignments for selecting song and other functions:
This is an example view of the style of control panel required to operate the MP3 Jukebox -
Minimum 6 buttons and joystick for Player-1 (shown left of white trackball), and minimum 6 buttons and joystick for Player-2 (shown right of white trackball).
Button assignments:
Top row buttons to bottom row of buttons.
Left column buttons to right column of buttons.
Player-1 buttons left side of control panel.
Player-2 buttons right side of control panel.
Top/left button, A = P-1 selects alpha (A). P-2 selects numeric (1).
Top/middle button, B = P-1 selects alpha (B). P-2 selects numeric (2).
Top/right button, C = P-1 selects alpha (C). P-2 selects numeric (3).
Bottom/left button, D = P-1 selects alpha (D). P-2 selects numeric (4).
Bottom/middle button, E = P-1 bumps screen left one page at a time to view descending titles to the right.
Bottom/right button, F = P-1 bumps screen right one page at a time to view ascending titles to the left.
Bottom/middle button, E = P-2 bumps screen to view first page of titles.
Bottom/right button, F = P-2 bumps screen to view last page of titles.
14. After a period of inactivity (a few minutes), the MP3 Jukebox will transition into its Attract Mode and display a moving DW Jukebox logo.
Then, about every 10 minutes, will play a randomly selected song and display a moving song-in-play window:
15. Pressing the Player-1 start button (during any stage) will begin play of a randomly selected song.
The MP3 Jukebox will then continuously (without interruption) play random songs until a song is cancelled, or a song selection is entered.
16. When in Attract Mode, to view the Play Screen, use Player-2 joystick right.
17. No credits are required to enable play of the MP3 Jukebox (completely freeplay).
18. Titles are arranged in alpha order by the artist's full name.
19. After cancelling a song, the next song in the Play List, or if no Play List, a randomly selected song, will be played.