Hi! This page is to introduce the latest Ace Amusements arcade video game cabinet custom finish option - a front kick plate.
Our kick plate is not just another shiny something that will soon be scratched and ugly. Our kick plate is made of virtually indestructable Lexan (polycarbonate). It will protect the front of your cabinet for a very long time.
We can furnish the kick plate in just about any color that you would want. The color is applied to the reverse of a 1/8" thick 5" high clear sheet of Lexan.
Our process provides a color finish that cannot be scratched off, and will look like new for as long as you own your game.
You can see an example of our black kick plate at the front bottom of this fully restored Ms. Pac-Man cabinet.
This closer view of the kick plate shows the mounting hardware that we use - all stainless steel hardware. Stainless steel is more expensive, but it is stronger and will never rust or discolor.
We are serious about providing a custom cabinet that will look great for many years. Lexan plus stainless steel equal an unbeatable, unbreakable combination.
Add a real touch of class to your custom cabinet - a Lexan kick plate in any color you want, including clear, and stainless steel mounting hardware. Only $35.
Send me an email to add this option to your order: [email protected]