Hi! You will find tons of free advice and technical instruction at this website. Indeed, there is enough free information here to fill a book, maybe two.
Sometimes, there is enough information to see you completely through many a DIY arcade video game repair project or restoration.
Providing all this free expert information is my way of giving back to an industry that has been very good to me. And, who doesn't want to see classic arcade video games restored, maintained, and kept ready for the next generations of admirers.
If you have a DIY arcade video game project that is proving more demanding than the information provided here, feel free to contact me for my personal tech support. Unfortunately, my personal tech support is not free. I am, after all, in business.
My rate is minimum payment of $100 for the first hour, then $75 per hour afterwards. Plus, postage and parts that we may furnish.
Payment may be by check made and mailed to R. Steve McCollum, PO Box 172202, Arlington, TX 76003.
Or, for faster service, payments may be sent by Western Union, MoneyGram and Zelle.
In order to assist you, you will need to be able to email me photos of your project.
We can do your project for you, too:
Arcade Video Game Cabinet Restoration
Before and after photos of an Asteroids restoration:
Just send me an email explaining your problem or project and we will get started: [email protected]