Hi! Although our Ace Amusements Ultra Edition 2500-in-1 custom multicade, featuring tons of games and tons of customization options, may seem challenging, it is just a pussycat. And, definitely much more obedient.
Using the guide below, you can design the most awesome, clever, beautiful, exciting, affordable arcade video game, pinball machine, jukebox multicade ever created.
Your multicade creation could look just like any of the photos presented. Or, there are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of other possibilities and combinations of options to create the look you want.
The photos on this page can serve as a guide, and there are more photos here:
Ultra 2500 Upright Arcade Video Game Machine Cabinet
But, the final product is entirely up to you.
The process is really quite simple - you imagine it, describe it to us, and we will build it. It really is that easy.
So, put on the coffee, grab pen and paper, and let's get started.
Hopefully, you won't, but if you get stumped, send me an email: [email protected]
Related 2500-in-1 information pages:
1. Features - Ultra Edition 2500-in-1 Multigame JAMMA System
2. Processing power - The Ace Amusements 2500-in-1 Multicade System Platform
Here is a feedback from a proud new owner:
Here is a four-player machine with many of the popular options, price $3320:
Ace Amusements 2500-in-1 Custom Multicade Prices And Options:
Click any image for a larger view, click again for zoom. Then, click browser back button to return to this page.
To achieve a "fully-loaded" machine with the most popular options, select all the options having the option number green highlighted.
1. Base price.
The cabinet will be an original completely refurbished generic arcade video game cabinet. Or, you could upgrade to our new Ultra cabinet.
The 2500-in-1 will operate in only a small or large size upright horizontal monitor cabinet.
1-A. Smaller size generic cabinet with two sets of player controls (two 8-way joysticks and 6 control buttons each). Base price: $1,595.
Selection 1-A would look something like the machine in this photo.
The cabinet and the control panel would not be large enough for any additional controllers or a large monitor.
1-B. Larger size generic cabinet with two sets of player controls (two 8-way joysticks and 6 control buttons each). Base price: $1,695.
Selection 1-B would look something like the above photo, but the cabinet would be large enough for upgrades such as more controllers and a larger monitor.
You could order selection 1-A or 1-B, without any additional cost upgrades, pay only the base price, and own a custom finished 2500-in-1 multicade.
Add the cabinet base price to any of the following upgrade options to arrive at the price for your custom machine.
2. Monitor.
The base price cabinet monitor would be an original overhauled either 19" or 25" CRT monitor, depending on cabinet size.
This is a photo of a 25" CRT arcade video game monitor. It weighs about 65 pounds and will range from 10 to 25 years old. The warranty period is 30-days.
However, you should seriously consider upgrading to a new LCD/LED monitor.
This is a photo of a 27" LCD/LED monitor. It weighs about 14 pounds and is brand new out of the box. The warranty period is 2-years.
2-A. Upgrade for classic-size cabinets, 19 to 21" LCD/LED: +$195.
2-B. Upgrade for mid-size cabinets, 22" to 24" LCD/LED: +$295.
2-C. Upgrade for large cabinets, 25" to 27" LCD/LED: +$395.
Note that the 27" LCD/LED monitor will only fit in the Ultra and the Golden Tee cabinet. In other words, our largest monitor will only fit in our largest cabinet.
3. Cabinet style.
Rather than a generic cabinet like 1-B above, you might prefer an original dedicated arcade video game cabinet.
Dedicated cabinets will feature distinctive styling and graphics. The Golden Tee Golf cabinet (right) is a good example.
3-A. A very popular large size dedicated cabinet, which is quite compatible with the 2500-in-1 system, is a refurbished Golden Tee Golf cabinet. Price: +$200.
The above right photo is an example of a refurbished Golden Tee 2500-in-1 custom multicade. In this example, the control panel is set up with standard 2 sets of player controls and a 3" USB trackball.
3-B. Add 3rd and 4th player sets of controls to the control panel. Each player control set includes an 8-way joystick and 3 control buttons. Price: +$75 per player control set.
This photo is of the Golden Tee cabinet regular size control panel set up with 4 sets of player controls. Tight, but it works.
See 3-D below for our exclusive Ultra large size control panel - lots of room, lots of people, and lots of controls.
3-C. Right is a photo of our brand new Ultra cabinet. Price: +$250.
The Ultra cabinet has proven to be a great platform for our Ultra 2500-in-1 system. And, it has been exceptionally well received.
Consequently, we can offer either our exclusive brand new Ultra cabinet or an original dedicated refurbished cabinet.
Our new cabinet is made entirely of cabinet quality materials, just as was any original dedicated cabinet.
3-D. Ultra cabinet large size control panel. Price: +$75.
Here is an example of our exclusive large size control panel for our Ultra cabinet.
When for four players, be sure to add +$75 each for 3rd and 4th player control sets, see option 3-B above.
In this example, the large size panel was selected in order to allow an original style Defender controls layout at the panel's front center.
The large size panel is also useful when more space between controls is wanted, and when there are several special controllers to be added (see options section 25 below).
4. Dedicated 4-player cabinets.
Dedicated 4-player cabinets feature larger control panels.
You might want one of these type cabinets as an alternative to the cabinets described in section #3 above.
But, this style cabinet is in limited supply and not usually available.
4-A. Small cabinet with large control panel, price includes player-3 and player-4 controls (if wanted). Price: +$300.
4-B. 4-player cabinet with large control panel, price includes player-3 and player-4 controls (if wanted). Price: +$375.
Selection 4-B could look like the 4-player multicades in the photo.
A typical 4-player control panel with 2-1/4" USB trackball would look like this photo.
5. USB trackball.
You can add a USB trackball for playing such games as Centipede and Golden Tee Golf.
The size of the trackball will be either 2-1/4" (like original Centipede) or 3" (like original Golden Tee Golf) depending on the space available on the control panel.
The default ball color is white (as shown in above photo), but there are blue and red balls available. We only use the Suzo Happ trackball, it is the very best arcade trackball made.
5-A. Add 2-1/4" or 3" USB white trackball. Price: +$200.
5-B. Change ball color to red. Price: +$215.
5-C. Change ball color to blue. Price: +$215.
This is a photo of a Golden Tee Golf 2500-in-1 control panel with a 3" USB blue trackball.
6. USB spinner.
You can add a USB spinner for playing such games as Tempest, Tron, and Arkanoid.
A spinner also serves as a small steering wheel for driving games like Pole Position. And, as a rotary joystick for such games as Ikari Warriors.
Note that for playing Tron and rotary joystick games, you will need to add joystick number 19-E (described below).
The above photo is of the spinner we use with the 2500-in-1 - it is a SlikStik Tornado, the very best spinner made.
This photo compares the knob to the steering wheel. Regardless of knob or wheel, the spinner functions the same.
You can order knob or wheel for one spinner. Or, to have both, two spinners would be required.
6-A. Add USB spinner with knob. Price: +$200.
6-B. Add USB spinner with steering wheel. Price: +$250.
7. Sound system.
You have choices regarding the sound system -
- the original cabinet speakers,
- the LCD/LED monitor speakers (the larger monitors usually have speakers), and
- a powered stereo speaker system (pictured right).
The best choice is the powered stereo speakers, as they provide the truest game sound and music rendition. And because, they are the perfect compliment to the MP3 Jukebox (see #22 below).
Shown in the photo is the 50 watt powered stereo speaker system that we provide. It comes with a volume control pod, which we place in a convenient location just inside the front access door.
Plus, the volume control pod features a headphones jack port. Meaning that you can play games as loud as you want, at any time of day or night, and not disturb anyone else. We can even provide the headphones (they are perfect for this system).
7-A. Use original cabinet speakers (not recommended). Price: included in base price.
7-B. Use LCD/LED monitor speakers (not recommended). Price: included with some sizes of monitors.
7-C. Add powered 50 watt stereo speaker system (recommended). Price: +$125.
7-D. Install pass-through opening at top right of cabinet front (above and right of coin door) for headphones cable (by request only). Price: included with powered stereo speakers.
7-E. Provide Able Planet Musicians' Choice foldable noise canceling headphones. Price: +$70.
8. Marquee backlight.
You have a choice regarding the marquee backlight.
A typical original equipment fluorescent backlight can cause problems (see #5), and will eventually damage the marquee material.
So, we recommend against (and, if installed, remove) the standard fluorescent marquee lamp fixture.
This photo is a typical example of a marquee damaged by a fluorescent backlight.
But, if you prefer the illuminated look, we can install a new LED lamp fixture.
The LED fixture operates bright but cool. So, you can have the illuminated look you want without risk of damaging the marquee.
8-A. No marquee backlight (standard). Price: included in base price.
8-B. Add new LED marquee backlight. Price: +$50.
9. Cabinet base hardware.
You have a choice regarding the cabinet base hardware.
The base of an original arcade video game cabinet is typically outfitted with appliance-style steel leg-levelers. Steel levelers are usually fine for concrete floors, but they could destroy residential hardwood and other types of flooring.
If your cabinet originally had steel leg-levelers, we will replace them with new levelers; unless, you request their replacement with poly wheels.
We offer polyurethane (poly) wheels instead of steel levelers to protect flooring. And, the industrial strength poly wheels make the job of moving your multicade cabinet a whole lot easier.
Our new Ultra cabinet comes with wooden pads, which are quite suitable for all types of flooring. But, you can add steel leg-levelers or poly wheels.
9-A. Wooden pads, default for new Ultra cabinets. Price: included in base price.
9-B. Add new steel leg-levelers to Ultra cabinet. Price: +$25.
9-C. Replace old steel leg-levelers with new on any cabinet. Price: included in base price.
9-D. Add new poly wheels to any cabinet. Price: +$55.
10. Pinball flipper buttons.
You can turn your 2500-in-1 multicade cabinet into a video pinball machine.
We can add side-mounted pinball flipper buttons to your cabinet at the control panel. Then, you can play video pinball (Pinball Action) as if your multicade cabinet were a real pinball machine. It is great fun - all the sights, sounds, and action of real pinball.
The photo is of the Pinball Action video game playfield. The 2500-in-1 features two pinball video games - Pinball Action and Pinball Action II.
10-A. Add side-mounted pinball flipper buttons. Price: +$65.
11. Warranty.
Every component in your 2500-in-1 multicade is covered by a full parts and labor warranty (see section 7).
For multicades, the new components have a two-year warranty. All components (except for CRT monitors) are easy to return for repair or replacement.
11-A. Overhauled used CRT monitor (unless option 11-B chosen) - 30-day. Price: included in base price.
11-B. New LCD/LED monitor (see option 2) - two-year. Price: included with upgrade.
11-C. 2500-in-1 system hardware and software platform - three-year. Price: included in base price.
11-D. New ATX power supply - two-year. Price: included in base price.
11-E. New surge protector (see option 20) - two-year. Price: included in base price.
11-F. New wiring harness, controllers, buttons and switches - two-year. Price: included in base price.
11-G. Original mono cabinet speakers (unless option 11-H chosen) - 90-day. Price: included in base price.
11-H. New powered stereo sound system - two-year. Price: included with upgrade (see option 7-C).
12. Lexan protective cover.
You can add extra protection for high-use surfaces with practically indestructible Lexan.
If you intend your 2500-in-1 for coin-operated commercial use, you should add both the Lexan control panel protective overlay, and the Lexan kick plate.
12-A. Small cabinet, regular size control panel. Price: +$75.
12-B. Small cabinet, large size control panel. Price: +$100.
12-C. Large cabinet, regular size control panel. Price: +$125.
12-D. Large cabinet, large size control panel. Price: +$150.
Lexan for the front bottom of the cabinet:
12-E. Lexan kick plate. Price: +$35.
13. Hard drive shutdown.
You can lengthen the life of the 2500-in-1 system hard drive when you shutdown the hard drive before powering off the machine.
Shutting down the hard drive is an easy process. But, it requires scrolling to the shutdown menu listing, and then pressing the player-1 start button.
We can streamline the shutdown process by providing a dedicated hard drive shutdown button. Like the credit button (see #21 below), we can locate the shutdown button wherever on the cabinet or control panel (default) that you prefer. We will use a red button (default), unless you request a different color.
Keep in mind that the hard drive shutdown button only powers down the hard drive, it does not also power off the machine. You may use a power strip on-off switch to easily power off the machine.
13-A. Menu listing hard drive shutdown. Price: included in base price.
13-B. Dedicated hard drive shutdown button in default color and location. Price: +$35.
14. Marquee.
You have practically unlimited possibilities for your 2500-in-1 cabinet marquee.
14-A. Our standard multicade marquee (shown first photo). Or, customize it with your name or other wording (shown second photo).
Price: included in base price.
14-B. A custom sized original arcade video game marquee. Price: +$50.
14-C. A custom designed marquee. Price: +$75.
15. Cabinet color.
We will refinish your cabinet in any paint color or combination of colors that you request.
Cabinet paint colors include off-the-shelf colors, color matching of original game cabinets, and color matching of your color sample. We can paint the cabinet front one color, and the sides a different color. We can even paint a cabinet in desert or jungle camouflage.
As this photo shows, even a single off-the-shelf cabinet color (like red in this case), in combination with a custom marquee, speaks volumes.
The paint we use is Behr exterior high gloss latex found at Home Depot. When combined with a primer undercoat and a high gloss polyurethane topcoat, plus our exclusive application techniques, the finish is of an exceptionally beautiful texture and is exceptionally durable.
You can visit any Home Depot or go online to select the exact paint color that you want.
15-A. Off-the-shelf and color matching for one or two paint colors. Price: included in base price.
15-B. Three or more paint colors. Price: +$50.
15-C. Camouflage painting. Price: +$100.
16. T-molding color.
T-molding, the plastic edge trim, is available in several different colors. Shown in the photo is smooth red T-molding, one of our most popular colors.
We stock a few of the most popular colors. If we do not stock the color you want, and it is made, we will order it for you.
16-A. T-molding in any color available. Price: included in base price.
17. Front access door and lock.
You can secure the front access door(s) in a variety of ways. And, you choose the style of the front access door.
If you do not like to keep up with a bunch of keys, we have the thumb lock. If you need to keep the kids out, we have a keyed lock. And, if you are planning a commercial coin-operated machine, we can install padlock hasps.
17-A. Thumb lock, no key required, all front access doors (by request). Price: included in base price.
17-B. Keyed lock, all front access doors (default). Price: included in base price.
17-C. Straight bar padlock hasp (padlock not included). Price: +$25 per door (installed on all front access doors, back door optional).
17-D. Vault style front access black powder coat door (default). Price: included in base price.
17-E. New coin-op door with cash pan and lighted coin slots. Price: +$125.
18. Control panel overlay.
The control panel overlay (cpo) is made of Lexan and is available in a near unlimited number of styles and colors.
While we stock the most popular cpo colors, we can special order any color that you request. Also, available are multicade-style and custom designed control panel overlays.
The photo is of our exclusive and popular diamond plate overlay. You name it, and we can do it.
18-A. In stock solid color control panel heavy-duty high gloss paint or overlay (visit above link). Price: included in base price.
18-B. Special order solid color control panel overlay. Price: +$65.
18-C. Multicade style control panel overlay (with icons or pattern). Price: +$125.
19. Joystick.
We stock a variety of styles and colors of joysticks suitable for the 2500-in-1.
Which style of joystick is best for the 2500-in-1? We most frequently use two (player-1 and player-2) black knob-top covered shaft competition style 8-way joysticks. This 8-way is a fast stick perfect for the heads-up fighting games. And, can also be used for many of the slower classic games. It is our default joystick that we will use, unless you request otherwise.
Or, you might prefer a ball-top, exposed chrome shaft, 4-way joystick (perfect for playing classics like Donkey Kong, see part 25 below).
Ultimately, choosing the right joystick depends on your personal preference and the games you intend to play most frequently.
As you might notice in the photo, this is not a typical control panel layout or typical choice of controls. Which serves to prove, that you get to choose the joysticks and all the other controls, and we will layout the control panel just as you specify.
You can choose from the following joysticks for the player-1 and player-2 controls set up. Not listed, but available, would be joysticks with triggers and flightsticks. If interested, inquire about our speciality joysticks.
19-A. Black (red not available) knob-top covered shaft competition style 8-way joystick (default joystick). Price: included in base price.
19-B. Black knob-top exposed chrome shaft 4-8-way set for 8-way. Price: included in base price.
19-C. Red knob-top exposed chrome shaft 4-8-way set for 8-way (see photo). Price: included in base price.
This is a photo of a cabinet having the control panel outfitted with the joysticks described in 19-C.
19-D. Various color (red, green, pink, black) ball-top exposed chrome shaft 4-8-way set for 8-way (see part 25 below for a classic set up). Price: included in base price.
19-E. A joystick (typically for player-1, or as a separate set up) with a top-mounted red fire button. The joystick would be solid black knob and 8-way. One can be seen below in the control panel photo. You will need this joystick for playing Tron and a few other games (plus a spinner see option 6 above). Price: $35.
19-F. An 8-way flight joystick, having a finger trigger and a thumb button, and two control buttons, for play of Ikari Warriors and several other games. Price: $50, per flight stick, two will be needed for two player simultaneous play games.
20. Surge protector.
We furnish a built-in surge protector with every multicade we build.
Commonly occurring AC voltage spikes and surges can slowly damage or instantly destroy your 2500-in-1 multicade system. Consequently, we install a 1,200 joules surge protector, with EMI/RFI filtering, in every multicade we build (shown in photo).
If you are located in an area of frequent spikes and surges, then you may want a higher rated surge protector.
20-A. 1,200 joules surge protector. Price: included in base price.
20-B. 3,000 joules surge protector. Price: +$50.
21. Credit button.
The 2500-in-1 system does not feature an overall freeplay option.
Since, when the machine is intended for home use, feeding quarters would become tiresome and a maintenance issue, we install a credit button. You get to choose the button color and location.
Default would be a green button located on the control panel in the upper left area grouped with the other auxiliary buttons.
21-A. Choose default credit button color and location. Price: included in base price.
21-B Choose unique credit button color and/or location. Price: included in base price.
22. MP3 Jukebox.
In addition to being a video game machine and a pinball machine (see #10 above), your 2500-in-1 multicade can become a real life music playing jukebox.
All you will need is a USB flash drive memory stick loaded with your favorite tunes and our powered stereo speaker system (see #7 above).
When you add the powered stereo speaker system upgrade, we will mount a handy USB port to the cabinet just inside the coin door.
You can easily install your own flash drive loaded with your own music. Or, we can furnish the flash drive loaded with 200 dance genre pop hits from the 1980's. We own 1000's of 1980's dance-pop titles. We provide the music at no cost. You only pay for the flash drive and our labor.
22-A. USB extension cable with port for flash drive. (You furnish the flash drive with your music.) Price: included with powered stereo speaker system.
22-B. USB extension cable and installed flash drive loaded with 200 1980's dance-pop titles. Price: +$100.
23. Cabinet art.
If you are so inclined, there are a number of ways to decorate the front and sides of your multicade cabinet.
Generally, there are three styles of cabinet art - custom art, multicade art, and original game art. And, there are four shapes - side medallions, side full skirt, front full around coin door, and front below coin door.
Naturally, side medallions alone would be the least expensive, and full skirt sides and front the most expensive. And, there are many possible combinations in between.
23-A. Custom side art medallions. Price: +$95.
23-B. Original-style game sideart medallions. Price: +$75 to $150.
23-C. Custom full skirt side art. Price $295.
23-D. Custom complete cabinet art set (see example photo above). Price: +$495.
23-E. Any other cabinet art style, shape, or size. Price: ask for quote.
24. Master and slave cabinets.
The 2500-in-1 can act as a master cabinet when a second cabinet (slave) is used to provide controls for a third and fourth player.
When the 2500-in-1 multicade will act as a master cabinet, we can set up the system and cables. Or, if you will also want us to furnish the slave cabinet, we can provide it as well.
24-A. Set up system and cables for master cabinet. Price: +$95.
24-B. Furnish slave cabinet. Price: ask for quote.
25. Classic game controls.
Most of the classic arcade video games of the early 1980's used much simpler controls than the games of the 1990's.
Games such as Frogger and Donkey Kong were designed such that they play best with a 1980's 4-way joystick. While you can play these games with an 1990's 8-way joystick, game control is more difficult and diminished. So, if you play the classics, we can furnish a 4-way red ball-top joystick with three control buttons.
In this photo, the 4-way classic controls are located just above and to the left of the trackball. Ideally, the classic controls would be front and center, where the trackball is located. But, a trackball should be front-center, especially for playing trackball games such as Golden Tee Golf.
Also shown, to the left of the classic controls, is a 2-way up-down joystick with one button (reverse) for Defender and Stargate. This type of joystick is essential for proper ship control. For these two games, you would use the player-1 buttons.
25-A. Classic game controls set up, 4-way joystick and 3 buttons for Frogger, etc. Price: +$55.
25-B. A 2-way up-down joystick and 1 button (reverse) for Defender and Stargate. Price: +$45.
25-C. A 2-way right-left joystick for Space Invaders and others (although the 25-A 4-way joystick plays the game well). Price: +$35.
25-D. A 4-way joystick mounted diagonally (rather than up-down-right-left) for the play of Q*bert, Q*bert's Qubes, and Congo Bongo. Price: +$45.
25-E. A flight stick style 8-way joystick with trigger and thumb button for realistic play of flying games like Zaxxon. Price: +$75.
26. Maintenance kits.
Certainly, you will want to maintain the new appearance and smooth operation of your multicade. So, we have developed the following maintenance kits.
These kits contain the same proven products that we have used for years.
26-A. Acrylics maintenance kit. Price: +$25.
26-B. Paint touch-up kit. Price: +$35.
26-C. Lubricant kit. Price: +$25.
27. Control panel layout.
Quite simply, we can arrange the controls on your control panel in any order that you request.
Typically, the trackball is located front center, the player-one and player-two controllers are located left and right of the trackball, the control buttons to the right of the joystick, the auxiliary buttons top left, and the spinner top right. Any additional controls are then placed where they work and fit best.
The auxiliary buttons can be arranged all together, in a row, and with color coding. For example, credit button green, shutdown button red, player-1 start button white, and player-2 start button white.
The photo above is of a near typical Golden Tee 2500-in-1 control panel layout, mostly as described above. Note the classic controls just above the trackball (see section #25 above).
This is a photo of a 4-player control panel set up to be as ergonomically correct as one could expect for so many different controllers. Can you spot all the controllers? Here is some help: pushbuttons (25), 8-way joysticks (3), 8-way joystick with button top (1), 4-way joystick (1), 2-1/4" USB trackball (1), and spinner (1). This guy is fully loaded.
Then, the fun begins. You can arrange your controls any way that you like. Maybe you are left-handed, and prefer the buttons to the left of the joystick. No problem. We custom build the control panel to suit you, not precedent.
27-A. Custom control panel layout. Price: included in base price.
28. Button colors.
When fully loaded, a 2500-in-1 control panel could have as many as 26 buttons.
We have six button colors in stock. You can assign button colors to button functions in any fashion that you prefer. You will find that button color and button arrangement can produce a very striking statement about your machine.
28-A. Button color selection and arrangement. Price: included in base price.
29. Category game list customization.
We can create up to two customized category game lists. The list can be as short or long (up to 50 titles per custom category) as you wish. The list can contain your favorites - for example, classics, fighters, sports, or most frequently played.
A customized category game list will make navigation to your favorites a snap and life easy.
29-A. Customize one category. Price: $50.
29-B. Customize two categories. Price: $100.
30. Future system upgrades.
We are always searching and testing for ways to improve, expand, and enhance the capabilities of the 2500-in-1 multicade system hardware and software.
So, if at any time after your purchase you find we have made a system upgrade you would like to have, just mail your system platform back to us for the upgrade. We will then upgrade your system with any new games and all the system hardware and software upgrades.
The price for this service will depend on the number and type of software upgrades, and whether there are any hardware upgrades.
30-A. System upgrade service. Price: estimated $195 to $495.
31. How to price your order.
Here is an example of how to price a custom finished 2500-in-1 multicade.
We will use the actual pricing for the one shown in this photo. Following is the list of upgrades ordered by the customer. Everything else about the machine is included in the base price.
1-B. Base price large cabinet. $1,695.
2-C. 27" LCD/LED monitor. +$395.
3-A. Golden Tee Golf cabinet. +$200.
5-A. 3" USB trackball. +$200.
7-C. Powered stereo speaker system. +$125.
9-B. Poly wheels. +$55.
25-A. Classic game controls. +$55.
Total price for this 2500-in-1 multicade = $2,725.
When you place your order, please send me an email with an options list generally like my example above.
Except that your list will be much longer. Because, you will need to specify many more choices, such as for colors, art, materials, etc.
Ideally, you would respond to all the above categories, numbers 1-28.
32. How to place your order.
To get the ball rolling, we will need a 50% deposit. Read section #6 for all the details -
Ace Amusements' No Surprises Policy
33. Freight shipping.
If you are located more than about 300 miles from the Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas area, you will likely have your new multicade shipped by freight carrier. All the details and probable cost is found in section #4 -
Ace Amusements' No Surprises Policy
34. Time until order completion.
Generally, your order would be complete and ready for delivery about three months after you place your order. For example, if you placed your order in January, we would say that it would be complete during the month of April. For more details, see section #3 -
Ace Amusements' No Surprises Policy
Wow! Congratualtions.
You have just completed reading around 3,500 words. Only a bit over a thousand more than the number of games in the system. Hope you kept notes.
Send me an email to place your order or if you have any questions: [email protected]